February 21, 2017 at 11:32 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Maintaining a blog is another job on the toolkit requirements  for small business!  Although it has been on my to-do-list now for eleven months I found myself having difficulty deciding what to write about.  After all this is an investigative blog that provides you with some great recipes.  Additionally you are supposed to laugh about the issues.  Life is so serious that we all need to laugh more!  We also need to eat better food more!  We also need more sleep!  I don’t know about you but at any given time one of these  is out of balance in my life.

Lately I have been wondering how valuable blogs actually are in terms of promoting a business.  Does a blog bring in more new customers? Does it introduce your company to a larger base?  Perhaps if it is published on a regular basis – I will give you that!  But I have concluded it really does not.   How many blogs are thrown at your email daily – I receive at least 20 a day I have signed up for and really intend to read – but I don’t.  Recently a speak on CBC announced that blog are dying out.  This may very well be the case.  They are only useful if you actually read them.  In conclusion if you are following this blog I hope you take the time to read it!

Writing is not an easy task !  If you want to be original you have to hunt through your mind for something of value and then find the words to make it interesting.  Sigh.  You need a topic, an outline, the merging, in my case, of investigation and food.  Hard work!  As hard as investigating!

Months ago I wanted to write about homemade pizza but had a hard time connecting it with investigations.  Then I thought about my surveillance issues – food, bathroom, feeling hot, feeling cold, food.

Surveillance is one of those situations that often make me laugh. One of the constant concerns I face each surveillance day is what to eat that meets my gluten-free vegetarian requirements.  Yes i can drive through Mcd’s for fries but then my figure will be affected!  Timmies has great coffee but very limited gluten-free veggie offerings!  Sushi can accomplish all of that but have you ever been on surveillance and just as you are going to jump into that spicy salmon sashimi the subject pulls out of the driveway – messy – very messy situation!

But lets face it – we get hungry on surveillance!  So I have been playing around with recipes for a while that accomplish my food requirements, my taste requirements and my satiation requirements.  Guess what i found – PIZZA!  YES THAT WONDERFUL COMFORT FOOD – PIZZA.  No not the one you pick up at the pizza delivery place but homemade and healthy.  Bearing in mind that i am a vegetarian you can simply add your meat requirements to your heart’s content to the recipe.

So first you need a bread machine.  I love bread machines!  Why are you paying $6.00 for a speciality loaf of bread when you can make it yourself for about 1.00?  Plus you don’t have to knead it, yeast it etc.  – just put your ingredients in your bread pan and go do something – maybe write a blog!

So read the recipe for your bread machine to make pizza dough.  Add to the recipe chili pepper flakes and some other herbs you enjoy – oregano, garlic, spice,  and so on.  The dough becomes very flavourful.  Your machine will make enough dough that you can split it in half and produce two thin crust bases.

Now here is a secret ingredient – forget about tomato sauce and ketchup.  Go and buy yourself a jar of Ajvar – Croatian vegetable spread – SOOOO GOOOD.  Most European delis have this.  Put this on your pizza base – you will not regret it.  They usually come in mild, medium, hot.  I prefer hot but then I am a kind of spicy p.i.  gal!

Now throw on top every kind of vegetable you can imagine (avoid veggies like turnip, squash etc, unless they are pre-cooked and you can slather them on) You can slice cooked potatoes, tomatoes, kale, spinach, feta cheese, daiya cheese, any kind of cheese – add more than one .  Now I know this does not sound exciting to most people – but if you want something to eat that will not bloat you, will not put ten pounds on you, will fill you up – homemade and healthy  and portable –  pizza is the way to go!  img_20160822_203846img_20160822_203924


Fill up your food supplies with cutup pizza, fruits, dates, nuts and you are ready for healthy surveillance days!  Writing this has made me hungry!  Its lunchtime!


Coming soon – Tails of the City with The Boss and Belle and their associates!



Don’t forget my great book is still available on Amazon and or Self-counsel press.  Tips to run a great business!




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  1. I really enjoy reading your blogs. Not only are they interesting, informative but also at times funny…something that we all need to do …smile more often and laugh.
    …thank you for a great pizza recipe…
    ….keep on writing!


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